You will no doubt want to make your property as safe as possible. There are many ways to do so. They range from upgrading electrical wiring to observing safety warnings on appliances. However, some people don’t consider that the fabrics in their properties can be fire hazards.
These days, most of the things you buy new, such as furniture and curtains, will have a fire safety rating. Although, what about older fabrics? If you run a business, it’s crucial you provide a fireproofing certificate during inspections.
So, how can you go about getting one? For fabrics without certification, you can have fire retardant applied to them. You can then get the certificate you need for those items. The only way to do that is by having those items professionally fireproofed. If you’ve never used such a service before, these ten points will tell you all you need to know:
1. What is a Fire Retardant?
Fire retardants are chemicals that delay the spread of fires. They are also useful to help prevent new ones from starting. Fire retardants can get applied to any fabric.
2. Are Fire Retardants Toxic Chemicals?
No. Not only are they non-toxic, but they are also free of allergens too. That means they are safe for use on any fabrics and in any areas.
3. Do all Fabrics Need to be Flameproofed?
All fabrics like curtains and drapes in public buildings must get flameproofed. The Fire Department of New York (FDNY) and other federal departments enforce those regulations.
4. Can any Fire Retardants be Used?
No. The FDNY states that only approved chemicals may get used for flameproofing. And they must get applied by professional flameproofing companies.
5. Why Can’t I Apply the Fire Retardant Myself?
The FDNY states that only authorized professionals can apply the chemicals. Each professional, such as Embassy Cleaners, must hold a Certificate of Fitness. It’s a form of certification issued by the FDNY themselves.
6. Do Materials Need to get Flameproofed Off-site?
No. It’s easier (and cheaper) to have the fabrics, and other decorative textiles flameproofed on-site. You just need to ensure there is adequate ventilation for the chemicals to dry.
7. What Happens if I Don’t Flameproof Fabrics and Textiles?
It’s illegal not to have on-site fabrics and textiles without proper flameproof certification. It can also void any building and contents insurance you may have. Plus, it can pose a higher risk to human life if a fire did break out.
8. How Will I Know Which Materials Need Flameproofing?
Professionals like Embassy Cleaners will carry out an inspection of your premises. You will then get a quote for the work that needs to get completed.
9. Is Flameproofing Expensive?
The cost to have the work done will depend on the fabrics and textiles in your premises. And, of course, the amount of fire retardant needed to protect them. Accessibility to those items will also impact the cost.
10. How Will I Know the Fire Retardant Chemicals Will Work?
Before a certificate gets issued, a field “flame test” will get carried out. This is also a requirement by the FDNY.