Understanding Clothing Labels Symbols from Start to Finish

Understanding Clothing Labels Symbols from Start to Finish

Wouldn’t it be nice if life came with an instruction manual? Turns out, your clothing does! Nearly every article of clothing comes with an instruction manual for how to keep your clothes looking new, help it last a lifetime and prevent it from stretching out embroidered right into the tag. But knowing how to interpret […]

5 Tips To Take The Sting Out Of Your Next Laundry Day

laundry tips

Laundry day can feel like the most overwhelming day of the week, so in many families, it becomes a once a month chore instead that is even harder to tackle. Whether you have the support of your entire family or must go through the process alone, there are many ways to make laundry a lot […]

Prevent Color Fading on Bedding

Clean Vibrant Bedspread

With the official first day of Spring less than a month away, you’re probably already looking forward to putting the heavy winter comforters away and replacing them with more colorful, lighter weight bedspreads. If your winter or spring bedspreads need dry cleaning before going into or coming out of storage, it’s important to note that […]

Importance of Mattress Cleaning

Clean Mattress

Having your mattress cleaned is even more important than having the carpets and upholstery in your home cleaned. You may believe that a mattress doesn’t need cleaning unless there’s a spill or accident, but the truth is that it requires more regular cleaning because of how often you use it. Reasons to clean a mattress […]

Removing Winter Salt from Clothing and Carpets

Remove winter salt from clothing

Along with the cold and threat of snow in winter, you also have to deal with the salt and ice melt used to keep sidewalks, drives and streets free of ice. That salt can find its way onto your clothing and definitely onto your shoes where you then track it into your home and across […]

Proper Care Helps Sweaters Last

How to care for your sweaters

When the temperature drops, the sweaters come out, and chances are, you have a few favorite knit sweaters that you can’t imagine going without during the cold weather. With the right care, cleaning, and maintenance, your quality knit sweaters can last for ten years or more and carry you through the winters ahead. Eliminate pilling […]

Now’s the Time to Clean your Blankets for the Season

Clean heavy blankets

As the temperatures drop, the blankets and heavy comforters come out as you try to keep warm. If you want those favorite blankets, bedspreads and comforters to last for many years of coziness, you need to take care of them with proper cleaning for their specific fabrics and materials. Nonelectric blankets All blankets require cleaning […]

Protect Your Home this Winter

Protect your home this winter

Although the winter weather has been holding off longer than usual this season, it’s always a good idea to prepare your home for colder temperatures. The extended period of milder temperatures offers the perfect opportunity to take care of inside tasks that will keep you warm, safe and cozy all winter long. Clean upholstery and […]

Longevity of Household Fabrics

longevity of household textiles

With proper care and cleaning, fabric-covered household items can last for decades. However, not all furnishings are created equal, and some may only last five years at most. If you don’t want to have to replace items such as bedspreads, bed linens, draperies, table linens, slipcovers and fabric upholstery every few years, it’s best to […]

Upholstery Cleaning NYC – Common Fabrics Found in Homes

Upholstery Cleaning NYC

When it comes to interior decorating, you may not always consider how easy or difficult it is to clean your chosen designer fabrics. Expressing your personal taste is important in your interior décor, but it doesn’t hurt to know what to watch for when you’re selecting a piece of furniture, style of drape or carpet […]

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