Treating Your Clothes Right: The Top Benefits of Professional Dry Cleaning

Oh no! You just spilled wine all over your new, expensive dress-shirt! You think to yourself, how am I going to get this stain out? One option you have is to scrub at it yourself, throw it in your at-home washing machine, and hope for the best. The other option you have is to bring […]
Dry Cleaning vs Laundry: What’s the Difference?

Having clean, polished clothing should be a “must have” not a “nice to have”. There are so many different situations in which the way you present yourself can make a difference between a positive interaction or a negative. When you’re interviewing for a job, for example, you want to present yourself as a professional. The […]
Understanding Clothing Labels Symbols from Start to Finish

Wouldn’t it be nice if life came with an instruction manual? Turns out, your clothing does! Nearly every article of clothing comes with an instruction manual for how to keep your clothes looking new, help it last a lifetime and prevent it from stretching out embroidered right into the tag. But knowing how to interpret […]
Importance of Regular Dry Cleaning

Although you understand the process of cleaning your clothes in a standard washer and dryer, dry cleaning is a different matter. Dry cleaning is called such because the cleaning process uses little or no water as the cleaners used are organic solvents to remove stains and soil from garments. Clothing items made of natural fibers […]
Do You Know How to Take Care of Your Linen Clothing?

Although spring has been struggling to start, eventually the weather will turn drastically warmer and have you digging out your lightweight clothing. In warm weather, garments made from breathable fabrics are the top choices. A favorite lightweight fabric is linen, but many people avoid it because of how it wrinkles. Fortunately, with some helpful tips, […]
Removing Coffee Stains From Clothing, Carpet, or Upholstery

If you’re one of the many people that enjoy a good cup of coffee or two in the morning or throughout the day, you’ve undoubtedly experienced your share of coffee spills and stains. About 55% of Americans consume coffee regularly, and that’s about 400 billion cups of coffee, all with the potential to find their […]
Cleaning Tips for Athletic Uniforms

Spring is when everyone eagerly gets back outside to walk, run, exercise and enjoy spring sports. During the spring sports seasons, uniforms go through all the paces of the players who wear them, which means they get very dirty. To keep uniforms looking their best (at least at the start of the game) it’s important […]
Unique Spring Cleaning Ideas for Your Closet

The early warm weather has everyone already pulling out their spring clothing, and it’s the perfect time to do a bit of spring cleaning to make room for new fashions in your closet. The clothes you’ve had in storage all winter will need freshening up with professional dry cleaning or a run through the wash […]
How to Take Care of Your Winter Coats

A warm winter coat is a necessity in the northeast, and it can see a lot of wear and tear through the cold months. To keep your winter coat looking its best while keeping you warm, you need to clean, care and store for it properly until it’s finally time to welcome spring. General winter […]
Prevent Color Fading on Bedding

With the official first day of Spring less than a month away, you’re probably already looking forward to putting the heavy winter comforters away and replacing them with more colorful, lighter weight bedspreads. If your winter or spring bedspreads need dry cleaning before going into or coming out of storage, it’s important to note that […]