It’s a staple of your wardrobe, an easy go-to match for a quick outfit. It’s an adaptable friend and a professional statement. It’s your favorite white button-down shirt, and while this steady standby of your closet may be far from bulletproof, we have a few tips that can help you keep it fresh and ready to go at a moment’s notice!
1 – Think Before You Buy
Before you bring home that crisp white shirt from the store, there are two things you should do: carefully read the label, and try it on to check the fit. Reading the label will tell you both what material the shirt is made from, and also what the recommended care requirements are. Don’t buy a shirt that has care needs you won’t follow. Actual sizes can vary from one brand to another, so trying on a shirt before you buy it will ensure a comfortable and flattering fit.
2 – Handle Stains ASAP
The sooner you treat stains, the better. Before you do anything, though, check the label! If your white shirt is made of silk and the label says dry clean only, take it to a professional dry cleaner for treatment. If it’s a less delicate fabric, like cotton, and labeled for regular machine wash and dry, there are a few things you can do yourself to prevent the stain from setting. If you can, try immediately rinsing and soaking the shirt in plain COLD water. Some stains may respond to your favorite stain-removing laundry pen or oxy-spray, while more stubborn stains may require the attention of a professional dry cleaner to be removed. When in doubt, it’s best to ask a professional rather than risk damage, especially for tailor-fit items and unique fabrics.
3 – Know When It’s Over
Learning proper laundry care or having a professional care for your clothes can go a long way in giving your favorite shirt the most extended and best-looking life possible, but not everything can be fixed. You should be mindful of signs that it’s time to start looking for a replacement. Brightness can be restored, buttons can be replaced, and ripped seams can often be fixed; but if your shirt is beginning to fray or develop holes, it’s probably ready for the rag pile.
4 – Launder with Care
Again, it’s important to read the label on your shirt and follow the care instructions. If the label says that you can wash it yourself, pay attention to the water temperature and drying instructions. Only wash your whites with other whites to prevent fading, and always check the label before ironing. Or better yet…
5- Send it to the Pros
Take your favorite white shirt to the dry cleaner if the tag says dry clean only, otherwise you may risk irreversible damage. Not only are professional dry cleaners a convenient way to care for clothing with any type of label, they can be a life-saver for treating stains and extending the lifespan of your clothing. If you don’t want to deal with dropping off and picking up your own dry cleaning, consider using a dry cleaning pickup delivery service If you don’t have any time to waste, this is an excellent way to get quality care without any hassle. Instead of worrying about when to drop off and pickup your laundry, you can simply have the service pick up your laundry from your home or wherever it’s most convenient, and return it when it’s ready.
Start with the right shirt, pay attention to care labels, and leave your worries at the cleaners. Your whites will never look brighter!
If you’re interested in our pickup and delivery dry cleaning service, get in touch!!
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