Last week we shared some tips for do-it-yourself carpet cleaning.
Now, we want to share the importance of having your carpets cleaned professionally on occasion to preserve their beauty and prolong their lifespan.
From our website:
Professional Rug & Carpet Cleaning
Professional rug and carpet cleaning is crucial if you want your flooring to remain in good condition. That’s because the same dirt and grime that makes your flooring appear dirty can actually cause real damage to the fibers. When proper care and cleaning is neglected for too long, the fibers that make up your rugs and carpets can actually begin to break down to the point where repairs or replacement becomes necessary. The price tags of good quality rugs and carpets can be painfully high, so why let damage wear down their lifespan when some simple cleaning can help? By using a few cleaning tips yourself and scheduling periodic professional cleaning, you can add years and beauty to your rugs and carpets.
Read the rest, here.
Get in touch with us today to schedule a professional carpet and/or rug cleaning!
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